Quality-driven for 29 years
You’ll often hear us talk about solving problems. Drainage issues, grading issues, site design issues, and plant selection issues are all examples of problems we work to solve. As the sole owner, designer, estimator and primary job site coordinator and contact person, Tom Richtsmeier can help you to bring your ideas, designs, and concepts from a planning stage right through to installation.
One problem many homeowners face is the “unknown” of hiring a large company to complete a project. They find the designer/estimator to be likable and competent. Yet they then find there are 3-5 additional people with whom they must communicate ideas, concerns and issues. Will they have adequate knowledge & experience? Will they care? Is their greatest priority making you happy or making it to the Twins game for a cold one before the first pitch? Tom works with you directly to get the project done.
Tom Richtsmeier has worked to become a qualified contractor, and his first priority is satisfying one customer at a time. He is a Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association “Certified Landscape Professional”. This designation is held by fewer than 400 people and only a handful of contractors.
He also has a designation as a ICPI (Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute) Certified Concrete Paver Installer and is a NCMA (National Concrete Masonry Association) Certified Retaining Wall Installer. The most significant qualification Tom holds is a 4 year degree from St. John's University in Collegeville. He taught high school history for a time as a young landscape contractor. Go Jonnies!